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Skype for Business - find people and communicate

You should be confident with using the Windows environment and happy to converse with people they may not know using audio and visual calls.

Delivery Method: Tutor led
Course Duration: 2 hours

Postgraduates will need to pay £10 to Computing Services reception, 4 East South.

Skype for Business is a program used to make calls, send instant messages and create video conferences online. This course is taught through a mixture of demonstration and hands-on practice. You will learn how to:

  • understand and use the Skype for Business opening screen (including changing your settings, location and other details)
  • locate a contact and determine their availability
  • send and receive instant messages 
  • make and receive audio and video calls
  • make a conference call
  • share your screen with someone else and show them a file or a PowerPoint presentation
  • add someone to your front Skype view
  • create a Skype meeting in Outlook 
  • include a whiteboard, poll or question and answer page within a conversation or conference

"Some excellent features that will be very useful"

"Very good doing the training in small group and handouts are excellent."

"Learning the difference between sharing your computer and sharing an application was very useful and should be emphasised for security reasons. The whiteboard feature was also potentially useful and not one I'd come across."

"The Trainer knew the subject and explained it well."

A course will need a minimum of 2 attendees to run. Choose a course: To book your place:

  • Go to the Employee Self Service booking page
  • Select the date you wish to book
  • Enter any optional personal objectives you wish to achieve
  • Select "Save"
  • Wednesday 27 February 2019, 10:15am to 12:15pm

If you are unable to attend the above advertised date(s), please email us to enquire about future opportunities and to be put on the waiting list.

You can access the Skype documentation via Moodle. Any member of staff or postgraduate student can access this and learn at their own pace.

Outlook - Use email and manage your mailbox
Outlook - Use the calendar and manage your meetings

Source: https://www.bath.ac.uk/corporate-information/skype-for-business-find-people-and-communicate/
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